Equation for Happiness
‘Pursuit of
Happiness’ is the major goal of human life. Indeed, this goal has been
enshrined almost as a fundamental right in the Constitution of United States of
America. The explanation for the happy side effect lies in the following
equation for happiness, which compresses the entire wisdom of the world.
understand the equation for happiness, it is important to fully comprehend the
impact of desires of human life. “Desire is the first evidence of our consciousness;
we are born into sympathy and antipathy, wishing and willing.” As we grow, our
likes and dislikes become stronger and our desire for things that we like keeps
on increasing. We get deluded into believing that things satisfying our senses
will give us happiness. We seek music we like that satisfies our ears, smooth
and soft things that yield pleasure to our skin, things of beauty that appeal
to our eyes, food and drink that are tasty to the tongue, fragrance that
appeals to the nose, wealth, property, name, recognition, status and power that
we feel will make our mind happy. The truth is that uncontrolled desires “fog
the intellect, poverty vision; desires create a mirage where there was none
before; they clothe things with desirability. To escape from the clutches of
desires – which give birth to the brood of anger, malice, greed, envy,
falsehood etc., - one has to cleanse one’s consciousness.”
all the pleasures in the world are equal to one unit, then the joy, happiness
and bliss which is within each human being and can be experienced by renouncing
desires is equal to 10 units.”
Upanishad II, Stanza 8
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