Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Checklist for Class Managers

Checklist for Class Managers
Do I know each and every student in my class well?
Do I maintain a separate page for each of my students, and continuously write about their strengths, achievements and areas of improvements academically and behaviourally?
Do I know how many brothers and sisters they have, where do they stay and what is their phone number?
Do follow up of the above – when and how?
Am I able to take time to counsel the students?
Do I take extra effort to sort out their minutest problems?
Am I insisting on habit formation – i.e., proper uniform, clean nails, clean clothes, clean hair-cut, polished shoe, speaking softly, sitting in the correct posture, regularity, punctuality, movement in the corridors, no speaking zone, dignity of labour, assembly decorum, addressing the teachers as ma’m and sir, starting the day with a value and ending the day with a value etc?
Am I inculcating simple values on caring and sharing, truthfulness, honesty, goodness, not making fun of others, accepting people as they are?
Do I narrate instances and stories related to real life to support my statements?
Do I insist on neat and well-arranged classroom as soon as I enter it?
Do I involve my children in the housekeeping of the classroom?
Is my classroom colourful and attractive?
Am I bothered when soft boards look shabby and switch boards look ugly and dirty?
Do I keep track of all important events and prepare my class accordingly?
Do I take random checks during break time to see that All’s Well?
Do I always assign duties and responsibilities to the brighter and extrovert students?
What steps am I taking to motivate the introvert ones and guide the brighter ones?
Do I encourage a free question-answer session wherein the students are free to express themselves freely? Am I able to convince them when they are not sure of something?
Am I checking random checks on slow achievers to see if they are completing their work on time and getting their notebooks checked?
Am I always receptive, open and accessible to my students or do they fear me?
Am I defending my children in the staff room when they are being spoken about in a derogatory manner or their personal life is being discussed?
Am I maintaining confidentiality if a child has spoken to me in utmost faith
During PTM
Do I stress only academics?
Or the positive aspects of a child’s behaviour and personality?
Or areas of improvement in the overall development of the child?
Or giving guidelines as to know the parent could help the child on a particular topic?
Am I courteous and polite to the parents even in the most extenuating circumstances?
Am I changing with times and keeping abreast of all that’s happening and incorporating the latest techniques in my classroom?
Do I call up students when i know they are not well or have not been coming for a long time?
Do I encourage team building in the classroom and sense of belonging?
Am I able to create a good healthy relationship in the classroom?
Do my students miss me when I am not there?