Monday, December 15, 2014

Introduction of the school by its Founder Principal Sri.P S Narayanan Namboodiripad on 22.05.2014 at the time of official inauguration of The ELEGANT Public School at Palakkad

The new millennium was ushered in by a dramatic technological revolution. We now live in an increasingly diverse, globalised and complex media-saturated society.
Emerging technologies and resulting globalization also provide possibilities for new exciting discoveries and developments such as new forms of energy, medical advances, and restoration of environmentally ravaged areas, communications, and exploration into space and into depth of oceans. The possibilities are unlimited.
In this scenario, if think of a school, a mere school, where the teachers teaches students, students learn from teachers and reproduces at the time examination is not suffice.
We believe authentic education addresses the whole person, cultivates the complete personality not simply equipping student for workplace readiness.
21st century skill learned through our curriculum, which Is interdisciplinary, integrated and all the more inquiry based through research based and project based by utilizing the 21st century skills which are
·        Problem solving and decision making
·        Effective communication
·        Agility and adaptability
·        Initiative and entrepreneurialism
·        Collaborative skills
·        Creative thinking and
·        Critical thinking
One of our aims is to help children become global citizens with Indian values and heritage.
How should education be structured to meet the needs of students in the 21st century world?
How do we now define school, teacher, learner and curriculum?
Schools in the 21st century will be laced with project-based curriculum, research based curriculum, inquiry based curriculum for life aimed at emerging students in addressing real-world problems, issues important to humanity and questions that matter.
This is a dramatic departure from factory-model education of past.
We define new schools, teachers, learners and curriculum as
Schools will go from buildings to nerve centres  with the walls are porous and transparent connecting teachers, students, parents and community to the wealth of knowledge that exists in the world.
Teacher – from primary role as dispenser of knowledge into orchestrator of learning and helping students turn information into knowledge and knowledge into wisdom.
Learners – in the past learners were young perons who went to school spent stipulated time, leant from teachers and reproduced during so called examination, got the result.
Now it has been changed.
First we must maintain student interest by helping them see how, what they are learning prepares them for life in the world.
Second – we must instill curiosity which is the fundamental of life long learning.
Third – we must be flexible in how we teach
Fourth – we must excite learners to become even more resourceful so that they will continue outside the formal school day.
So what will schools look like exactly? What will curriculum look like? How do we assess students? How do we purchase resources?
How we acquire and utilize new technologies?
Imagine a school in which the students – all of them- are so excited about school that they can hardly wait to get there.  Imagine having little or no disciplinary problems because students are so engaged in their studies that those problems disappear. Imagine having parents calling, sending notes, or coming up to the school to tell us about the dramatic changes they are witnessing in their children; newly found enthusiasm and excitement for school, a desire to work on projects, research and write after schools and weekend. Imagine your wards making exponential growth in their basic skills of reading, writing, speaking, listening, researching, scientific exploration, aesthetic sense, sports activities, math, multimedia skills and more……..
Is it possible?
It has happened. And that happens in The Elegant Public Schools.
To achieve this …..
Staff Development….
Student Development
To Make aware the parents about the 21st century education……..
We are committed to Continuous and Comprehensive evaluation from Grade 1 onwards…….
Stress Free Education………..
Transition from Teacher Centric to Learner Centric to learning Centric…..
Future Plans…..
Upgrading the school to Secondary then Senior Secondary……
Introduction of CBSE-i

Yes, The Elegant Public School –A True Indian School with International Exposure.

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